NR2003 PAS Export for Blender
I’ve gone crazy. I have a somewhat working PAS exporter for Blender. It works well enough that you can get a car on track. It’s still in the Alpha stage because I know there’s things missing, and I don’t think smoothing groups work yet. But I’m working on it. In the meantime, you can check…
Today Was Productive
Getting some decent sleep last night was just what I needed. Today I worked out more kinks in the site, got some files posted (as you can see one of them in the featured image), and worked out more kinks. At this point, I’ll fix them as i go but I think for the most…
Day 3…
It’s been a long day with little progress. I’ve encountered struggles and errors while designing the download pages and directories. I have a love-hate relationship with WordPress as a CMS; it’s frustrating now, but I might appreciate it once I get the hang of it. I’m not accustomed to the extensive work required just to…